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2019 Goals

Happy Thursday everyone!

I feel the first several days of 2019 have already flown by. I've been planning on writing a post about my goals for this year, and here I am finally getting around to it. I am also somewhat happy with myself because *spoiler alert* one of my goals is to post more faithfully on the blog (every Thursday is the current schedule because I have so many things going on) and this makes the second week I have stayed on track- and since there have only been 2 Thursdays in January I would say that is a success.

Some of my goals for the blog and my Instagram were to:

1. Post at least one a week on the blog

2. Post every day, or close to every day, on Instagram.

How have I been implementing the plan? Well, I have just made myself sit down and write a blog posts on Thursdays.

On Instagram I have been participating in Kelly Prepster's #45daysofpink challenge which has helped me step out of my box a bit and post almost everyday. (I have missed a few, but not too bad)

Originally my word for the year was "Embrace". There were somethings going on in my life that I felt I was struggling with instead of accepting, but the longer I thought on the word the less it suited what I wanted for the year.

Instead I initially decided to use a phrase- "Shine Bright". After that I decided that I had let a bit of my sparkle wear off... You know sometimes in life, after I go through hard times, I have the tendency to shut down my emotions and coast instead of soar. My "sparkle" aka zest for life gets a bit tarnished. I noticed after the loss of some family members and some personal struggles, I was a bit dull- so I added "Sparkle on"... My complete phrase is "Shine bright and sparkle on". Yes, it may be a bit over the top, but that wouldn't be the first time someone thought that about me. :)

So a few of my personal goals for the year are:

1. Shine bright for Jesus

2. Embrace the journey

3. Make prayer a priority

4. Eat healthier/Exercise

5. Spend less money on myself

6. Get my house organized and on a cleaning schedule

7. Be a better wife

8. Write a book

Those are a few. I read a post on Instagram the other day that encouraged you to pick goals that you can control. For instance, I can control what I eat and my exercise, I can't control things like getting a prayer answered this year, etc. I also recommend that you pick a few small goals, and a few bigger one that way you can work at achieving.

I also prefer to make "goals" ( the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result ) rather than resolutions ( a firm decision to do or not to do something.)

Goals are something you work towards, while resolutions are something you decide to do or not to do. Like I want to eat healthier... I can take small steps in the right direction and thus encourage myself that I am getting there as opposed to completely cutting out all junk food and then getting discouraged that I am failing when I inevitable "cheat".

My last tid-bit of advice is that when you make a goal- make a plan to achieve it. A goal without a plan is simply a dream.

I would love if you would share some of your goals in the comments below!



This is one of my favorite pictures that I've done for the #45daysofpink challenge. PIcture taken by my sister.
This is one of my favorite pictures that I've done for the #45daysofpink challenge. PIcture taken by my sister.

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