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  • Writer's picturecottonandbows

I'm Back!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I realize it's been a hot minute since I wrote anything on this blog, and I semi regret it, but I also needed the break. Not only was I just feeling sick and tired all the time (pregnancy side effects), but I was also just super uninspired and having a bit of the winter blues I think. I also came to realize that while I was calling this blog my "passion", it was becoming more of an obsession. I was spending a lot of my waking hours scheming how to get more followers, how to get more likes, spending countless hours at home mindlessly scrolling social media trying to get people to interact with me instead of spending that time with my husband ... Not to mention I was calling my sister up on our lunch breaks just to get her to take pictures of me. Bless her heart, we were going around town, in the freezing cold of winter, trying to find the perfect photo ops. Basically, I am thankful for the break because I needed time to realize what is really important to me.

I often find myself picking apart my imperfections and expecting myself to know how to be an expert even when I am just learning. There are a lot of things about blogging and running a social media platform that I don't have perfect like:

I can't seem to get the hang of editing pictures so they appear aesthetically the same, I am not the most consistent person in the world so posting on a schedule is not always easy for me (I prefer to write when the inspiration hits, or post when I have something I think is fantastic), and captions... I don't even want to talk about them. ;) But you know what? It's okay not to be perfect. If someone doesn't want to follow me because I don't have it all together that's okay, but when I do get it together they're going to wish they had (or so I tell myself). 

All of that to say I'm back! I hope I still have some readers left. ;)

Until next time!



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