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  • Writer's picturecottonandbows

The Most Important Thing

Do y'all ever have one of those moments where you wake up, late at night, and a profound thought hits you? Most of the time I don't have a lot going on with my mind in the middle of the night, besides trying not to trip and fall on the way to the bathroom, but last night was a bit different.

Last night I woke up and the thought hit me that I needed to share with my followers, and whoever else may read this, the most important thing in life to me. I have a platform and with that platform comes the opportunity to share my faith. To me, your view of God is the most important thing about you. I mean sure, I can post a lot of pretty clothes, or some awesome scenery, but I am not truly making any difference until I tell you about my Jesus.

This is going to be short, sweet and to the point.

Jesus loves you unconditionally. He doesn't care what you've done, what you haven't done, what you've said, or anything else. HE LOVES YOU. And that will never change.

Not only does He love you, but He wants you to be His child, He wants you to be saved.

God made a way for us to go to Heaven when we die, and that way is through Jesus Christ. He gave Himself for us when He died for us on Calvary. He took our sins (past, present, and future) to the cross and He bore our punishment. He paid a debt we owed so we wouldn't have to.

All you have to do is accept the payment that He has provided.

How? Let me give you some passages from the Bible.

John 3:16 " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Romans 10:13 " For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. "

All you have to do is admit you're a sinner, realize you need Christ, and call on Him for salvation. Place your faith in Jesus Christ.

That's seriously all there is to it. Once you trust Christ, you are sealed for eternity. Your salvation can never be taken from you, you can never give it back, and your life will be forever different because of Christ.

I know I am not the most eloquent person, but I want to shine bright for Jesus, the best I can.

If you have anymore questions- I am here to answer them.



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